In this tutorial, you’ll learn:

👋 Introduction to Git and GitHub and their importance in version control for developers. 💻 Understanding the basics of Git and how it works with repositories, branches, and commits. 📥 Downloading Git and Git Bash and initializing a repository with git init. 🔍 Checking the status of your repository and using the working directory, staging area, and repository in Git. 📝 Adding files to the staging area with git add and committing changes with git commit. 📜 Viewing the commit history with git log and configuring user information with git config. 🔄 Resetting changes with git reset and restoring files with git restore. 🌐 Creating a repository on GitHub and adding a remote with git remote. 📤 Pushing changes to GitHub with git push and pulling changes with git pull. 👨‍💻 Contributing to open-source projects by forking a repository, cloning it with git clone, and raising a pull request on GitHub. 👀 Reviewing pull requests on GitHub and next steps for improving Git and GitHub skills.

📝 Notes:

Git CheatSheet

GitHub Cheat Sheet

📌🔨 Task:

  1. 📂 Create a repository named Frontend Developer Essential, and upload all your completed and upcoming assignments there.
  2. 📣 Share your GitHub profile on LinkedIn and Twitter using #FrontendWithVishal, and mention me to get feedback on your work.
  3. 🆕 Moving forward, create a new repository for each project we will build.
  4. 🌐 Host the Portfolio on GitHub **** you built after the CSS Flexbox video and share it on LinkedIn and Twitter using #FrontendWithVishal, and mention me to get feedback on your work.