Command Explanation
git config Configure Git settings.
git config --global "Your Name" Set your name for Git.
git config --global "[email protected]" Set your email for Git.
git config --global color.ui true Enable color output.
git init Initialize a new Git repository.
git clone <repository url> Clone an existing repository to your local machine.
git status Show the status of your working directory and staging area.
git add <file> Add a file to the staging area.
git commit -m "Commit message" Commit changes in the staging area with a message.
git branch Show a list of all branches in the repository.
git branch <branch name> Create a new branch with the given name.
git checkout <branch name> Switch to the branch with the given name.
git merge <branch name> Merge changes from the specified branch into the current branch.
git remote -v Show a list of all remote repositories.
git remote add <remote name> <remote url> Add a new remote repository.
git push <remote name> <branch name> Push changes to the remote repository.
git pull <remote name> <branch name> Pull changes from the remote repository.
git log Show a log of all commits in the repository.
git diff Show a diff of all changes made since the last commit.
git stash Temporarily save changes without committing them.
git reset Unstage changes in the staging area.
git revert <commit hash> Undo changes made in a specific commit.