In this tutorial, you’ll learn about programming aspect of JavaScript:
💡 What is JavaScript?
📝 Introduction to JS
🌐 Adding JavaScript to a web page
💬 Comments in JavaScript
🖨️ Printing to the console
🔢 Variables in JavaScript (let vs const vs var)
📝 Declaring and assigning variables
➕ Arithmetic operators
👉 Unary operators
🔁 = vs == vs ===
🔍 Conditional operators
🧭 if-else statements
🔀 switch statements
💾 Data types in JavaScript
📚 Arrays (push, pop, shift, unshift, indexOf)
🔑 Objects
🔂 For loops (for, for/in, for/of, for each)
🔄 While loops
🔁 Do-while loops